You Know Your Body

April 18, 2024 By Kristen Merchant

You Know Your Body

During my first pregnancy, I had recurring floaters and headaches. My blood pressure stayed normal. But I knew something wasn't quite right. Everytime I reached out to 24/7 nursing, labor and delivery, they cited my history of migraines as to why. But I hadn't had a migraine in 2 years when I got pregnant. At 28 weeks during my prenatal appt, my BP was 179/118. I was taken to labor and deliver and told my urine protein level was 7x the normal limit. The 1st MD told me their goal was to keep me pregnant, the 2nd MD, a perinatologist who I knew told me after my 2nd dose of steroids they were going to perform a cesarean to get the baby out because I was in high risk of stroke and death. At 29 weeks, 2 days after my appt, I had a cesarean. I spent a week in the hospital and my son spent 9 weeks in the NICU before coming home. My next pregnancy I had anxiety throughout nervous that I was going to have preeclampsia again. Thankfully, I didn't.