Why I Walk

August 20, 2024 By Haley Manning

Why I Walk

I walk so I can spread awareness and educate other mommas and my patients. For weeks I didn’t feel right and knew something wasn’t right but I couldn’t get anyone to listen. I was a registered nurse at the time but in a different specialty and I didn’t know that some of the symptoms I experienced could have indicated I was developing preeclampsia. I trusted my own healthcare team to recognize and intervene. Instead, every time my blood pressure was elevated in the office, I was told it was because I just walked in from the parking lot. I was told my 4+ pitting edema that suddenly developed was normal in pregnancy. I was told my headaches were due to dehydration because it was summer and I wasn’t staying hydrated. My triage nurse and OBED physician were going to discharge me until my attending came to see me while there for a delivery and decided to draw labs and I was admitted and induced. I developed HELLP syndrome and had a postpartum hemorrhage. I want to make sure other healthcare workers and patients can recognize the signs and symptoms, listen to concerns, never make assumptions, and advocate for yourself and your patients! I walk for my Maisyn Grace, myself, my patients, and community!