
Tomorrow Isn't Guaranteed

July 12, 2021 By Katie Lemire

Tomorrow Isn't Guaranteed

In 2018, at 33 weeks pregnant, I developed severe preeclampsia. I was rushed by ambulance to a nearby tertiary hospital where my son was delivered by emergency c-section. I had developed pulmonary edema which led to respiratory failure requiring intubation. I spent the first day of my sons life on a ventilator in the ICU. Prior to my experience, I didn’t know much about preeclampsia. I certainly didn’t realize it was something that can be so dangerous for mother and baby. In less than 12 hours, I went from being at home not feeling that great to fighting for my life and that of my unborn child. My son stayed 34 days in the NICU. Today he is a healthy rambunctious 3 year old. Just after he was born, PTSD was something that reared it’s ugly head for me. I had terrible flashbacks of the moments leading up to my delivery knowing how incredibly sick I was and unable to breathe. After some research, I chose a very specialized therapy called EMDR. It was intense, I won’t downplay it but it allowed me to process the trauma and emotions for what happened. It was life changing for me.

Part of my purpose now is to advocate for the women and babies and families who are unable to. This is a huge reason why I serve as the joint chair for the Boston Promise Walk. The walk gives so much light to such a dark topic. My hope is for a cure through continued research so one day we don’t have to fight this disease any longer. I currently serve on the Patient Advisory Council for the Preeclampsia Foundation.