Surviving A Seizure While Pregnant

March 06, 2024 By Tranivia Brown

Surviving A Seizure While Pregnant

On Tuesday august 28th 2023, I was 38weeks 4days pregnant. I started to experience pain in my stomach a little after 11am. I figured It was just Braxton hicks so i ignored it. I called my husband and stayed on the phone telling him the type of pain. At around 1:00pm i was still experiencing these pains so my job sent me home. I called my doctor office and was told to go to my birthing hospital just to check due to the extended time period the pain lasted and me being 38weeks pregnant. Upon arrival, I was admitted immediately. I was having contractions but I was not dilated. My pressure was elevated in the 150’s over 90’s. My doctor told me I had to stay over night for observation. Shortly after he came back to inform me i would have to be induced because my pressure kept climbing so the baby would have to come. I wanted to have a natural birth so a c-section was not on the table. My donor honored my wishes and ordered the induction. The first induction was for 12hours which did not work. The second induction was three hours which also didn’t start the dilation process so i was induced again. This induction got me to 1cm. At this point my blood pressure continue to climb going into the 160’s over 100’s. By Wednesday night my doctor wanted to induced me again but wanted to start me on potassium but wasn’t sure if she should due to my pressure being so high. I was allowed to eat before my fourth induction. My pressure continue to rise even with being prescribed blood pressure medication continuously. I was having really bad back pains and sat at the edge of the hospital bed. I began to feel so sick and weak. I let my doctor know I had to vomit and that’s all I could remember. Unknowingly, I had a seizure right after vomiting. I finally came too, and was rushed into an emergency cesarean in and out of consciousness. I coded twice and my heart rate dropped all the way into the twenties. My cesarean Was performed and my son thank God was birthed completely healthy without any health issues or having to go to the Nicu. After labor I was moved into ICU for over 15hours. Once out of ICU i was moved to my room where i was given blood pressure medication. The only medication that was bring my pressure down out of almost the 200’s was magnesium. Upon my release from the hospital. I was readmitted two weeks after delivery for 4days because my pressure was so high during my doctor visit. My pressure was then in the 200 over 100 range. Doctors in fear of me seizing again. Since my delivery I’ve had to go to multiple doctors appointments as well as cardiologist appointments. I’m still recovering from such a tragic delivery but I’m healthy, my son is healthy and we are alive. My goal is to get my pressure under control and help advocate for the moms and babies that were not fortunate to survive like my son and I