January 08, 2024 By Kaitlyn Syty
At around 35 weeks I attended my weekly appointment with my OB in the afternoon. BP was normal with some increased swelling in my legs. Within 2 hours of my apt I began feeling very SOB, pain in my right upper quadrant, and started vomiting. When I arrived at the ED my BP was 180/100. I went in and out of consciousness for the next 36 hours. Diagnosed with severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome initially, with possible seizures. After delivering my daughter (who was healthy thankfully) I then developed fluid around my lungs and heart. They also found insufficiency at my aortic valve, gallstones and swelling around my pancreas. While very traumatic for many reasons, my husband and I will always be grateful for the amazingly kind and knowledgeable care we received through everything.
God asked me to take a journey a never wanted to go on. As a maternal and child health professional, I always had ideas about the way pregnan...