January 02, 2025 By Sharon Corner
I started complaining about a pain just under my ribs in June, my doctor noted me commenting on it on June 26th. When I told my ob/gyn about the pain, I was first told it was my child kicking. I reminded the doctor this was my 5th pregnancy, and my 3rd live birth but he didn’t take me seriously, at least that is how I felt. The pain kept getting worse, I went to the ER and was sent home with prescription Zantac.Finally, when the pain was so horrific, we went back. The md reached out to [a different hospital] and they knew what it was, I was rushed there and my son was delivered. 7 blood transfusions, 6 6 packs of platelets. The swelling then came, and my c-section ripped open. I also had surgery for hemorrhaging. Soon after, my thyroid died. I never felt right afterwards. Exhaustion, body aches, vision migraines. I started a Facebook page, I constantly talk about it to anyone I can. People need to know that women die, babies die. I told one friend about it, she was pregnant. She couldn’t remember what i had told her when she began having symptoms and her son died. I will do whatever I can to spread the word about HELLP
My perfect daughter, Katie, gave birth to her first child just eight days before she passed away due to postpartum complications. Her deliver...