Early Arrival: Preeclampsia After Hemorrhage

February 24, 2023 By Carly Redfearn

Early Arrival: Preeclampsia After Hemorrhage

I never imagined I would have a difficult pregnancy, but at 12 weeks, I experienced a massive subchorionic hemorrhage and from that point on, things were complicated.

At 21 weeks, our baby was identified as potentially growth restricted, resulting in weekly ultrasounds and non-stress tests.

At 27 weeks, at a routine physical, my blood pressure was 130/90 and my liver enzymes were mildly elevated. We were sent to L&D for an evaluation and thankfully sent home when my blood pressure regulated.

Over the next 7 weeks, I monitored my BP every day. At 34 weeks, my BP suddenly jumped to 170/110 at home, and it was time for another trip to L&D. This time, I was diagnosied with preeclampsia and admitted and given nifedipine to lower my BP. The next day, after consulting with my OB and the on-call MFM (maternal-fetal medicine specialist), we found out we were having a baby. Samantha June was born that evening, weighing just 4lb 1oz but breathing on her own. I was put on magnesium for 24 hours and wasn't able to see her - I spent hours hand-expressing colostrum while my partner spent time with Sammy. She spent a month in the NICU before she could come home with us. Today, she is a happy, healthy 4 month old.