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Andrea's Story

February 05, 2024 By Andrea Horan

Andrea's Story

I gave birth to my sweet baby boy named Miles Christopher on October 27, 2023. I was induced at 38 weeks for mild pre-eclampsia. My blood pressures were 150/80s and spilling more protein in my urine the day prior. My blood pressures typically run 90-110/60-70s. I would consider myself active; however, the entire pregnancy I was extremely ill with nausea, vomiting, and right upper quadrant pain. My husband (Chris) and I went to the appointment unprepared to bring our son home the next day. I had planned to run errands and was still working 40-hour work weeks as a nurse anesthetist.

I remember watching our friend Tanner Courtad on Bachelor in Paradise while I was in labor. My husband and I were howling at Kat’s birthday party, where she absolutely destroyed the piñata. She was a love interest of Tanner’s and I am a HUGE fan of reality TV shows. It is my escape from reality. I labored for approximately 17 hours. I immediately got my epidural, knowing what I know when it came to pain with giving birth to a baby. I was comfortable the entire time and was able to dose myself with boluses to keep my blood pressure low enough to avoid magnesium as I had heard HORROR stories from magnesium therapy. Miles arrived shortly before lunch at 11:47am on Friday morning and I was so relieved that he was finally safe and earth-side with us. A few days later I was sent home with labetalol and a warning of postpartum preeclampsia that peaks around day 7.

Sure enough, day 7 my blood pressures were through the ROOF! Labetalol was not helping at that point. I prayed to God that night that I would not seize and die. I had a huge fear of dying that night and leaving behind sweet Miles and my wonderful husband. My blood pressures were 170-180/110s with the “worst headache of my life.” I knew this would purchase a STAT head CT in the emergency room and I dreaded the medical bills that were about to pile up. After an ICU admission with some wonderful nurses who took care of me on my magnesium infusion, I was able to live to tell my story. By happenstance, I married a handsome, financial wizard and the rest is history. I am now advocating for women across the globe through the 140 over 90 run by walking my dog Huckleberry “Huck” on the Montour Trail and riding my Peloton. I know way TOO much for my own good, but what can I say… knowledge is POWER!!