September 26, 2024 By Whitney Swanson
When I found out I was pregnant with my 5th child, I told my OB I wanted a very different experience than with my other kids. With all 4 babies I went back to the ER with high blood pressure. In 3 of those cases , I was readmitted to the maternity ward and placed on magnesium for 24 hrs. In two instances, the diagnoses were PP HELLP syndrome, with elevated liver labs. Due to complications in my 4th labor and delivery, this was a planned c-section that was moved from 39 weeks to 37 weeks. She was born healthy and about 24 hrs later my BP spiked, even on BP meds. I was placed on magnesium. Luckily, my daughter got to stay with me at the hospital during my entire time. She is 2 weeks old and I'm on two types of BP meds to continue to control my BP and my liver labs are finally returning back to normal.
God asked me to take a journey a never wanted to go on. As a maternal and child health professional, I always had ideas about the way pregnan...