Trust Betrayed: The Loss Of Delilah Rose

September 23, 2022 By Jessica Jenkins

Trust Betrayed: The Loss Of Delilah Rose

July 22nd, the day that will change my life forever. I’ll start by telling you it broke my heart completely and I now know the worst pain of my life. I honestly don’t know how to move forward I feel completely lost. I’m very blessed to have my 6 year old daughter, I honestly don’t know where I would be. Here is my story and why my life will never be the same.

I found out I was pregnant in November of 2021. I never thought I would have another child due to being traumatized with my first one. I’ve been a single parent to her completely since the day she was born. I was over the moon to become a mother again. My oldest daughter was so excited to become a big sister. We had everything imaginable for her every bow, every outfit, and baby toy. I was ready to love this child like she deserved. I was ready to give her nothing but the best care. Unfortunately at 36 weeks I delivered her stillborn. All because of someone else, someone I put the trust of not only my care but of my unborn child.

On July 19, 2022 I was scheduled to see my obgyn. I had an appointment the past week but the office rescheduled. It started in the parking lot. They do a virtual waiting area (in your car)- you text "here" in a text message they arrange for you hours before. Which I did and a few moments after waiting, I get a message back saying “Your doctor got called out to the hospital just now, and you would just get a sonogram and reschedule your appointment for a different day. Is that okay?” I replied "I'm not ok with that! I rescheduled this appointment already and I’m not feeling well today, I need to be seen by a doctor." I was replied to that there weren’t any other providers available. I proceeded into the office to the sonogram room with a sonogram technician. I expressed to her that I was very upset, I don’t feel well, I needed to be seen. I also expressed to the technician my baby went from moving all the time and the last day she wasn’t moving as much. She put the instrument on my belly pushed down and the baby floated from side to side. After, it turns out my provider had returned and she would be in to see me. There she came she sat in her chair and asked how I was doing. I expressed I was not feeling well- I was swollen all over my body, I couldn’t seem to catch my breath, i was hurting in my belly, I had decreased fetal movement, I was having tons of pelvic pressure where it hurt to walk. She expressed that everything I was experiencing was normal and apart of pregnancy. She tested me for strep, and a repeat STD test- that was it. She didn’t listen to me, she didn’t examine me- not even for dilation. Mind you I was apparently considered a high risk patient as of 5/20/22. I found that information on my online profile. I never knew and was never told. I’m not even sure as of why. I left with all of my trust in this provider.

On July 21, not even 2 full days later, I decided to be seen at the emergency room. I was seen at Harris Methodist hospital located in Bedford Texas. This is where I went through the biggest nightmare of my life. I went in because my swelling and shortness of breath was bothering me. They immediately took me back and got to work. They did an EKG, urine testing, sonogram of my legs, a CT scam of my chest, COVID test, and had me hooked up to monitors. My blood pressure was very high. They immediately called my doctor. They started blood pressure medicine soon after it was time to check on my baby. I was 36 weeks and nurse after nurse, machine after machine, my baby didn’t have a heart beat. When the last test was done to confirm my doctor and other labor and delivery workers were in a room together. They immediately questioned my doctor was I like this at my appointment 2 days before her answer was no. I assured her I told her all of this. I was not listened to, I was uncared for. I was neglected the medical care she needed.