
Not Normal Swelling: My Severe Preeclampsia Experience

September 05, 2023 By Rachel Epperson

Not Normal Swelling: My Severe Preeclampsia Experience

I was pregnant with my first child in 2020. I was due February 10th, 2021. Everything was going extremely well with my pregnancy. After Thanksgiving I noticed my feet and ankles swelling quite a bit. I did have a headache, but I suffer from migraines so I didn't think anything of it. I didn't feel horrible, so I decided to just ask about the swelling at my appointment on Tuesday when I was 29+6. I figured I had just eaten too much salt with all the dinners we went to. At my appointment the nurse took my blood pressure and her face was a bit surprised. She asked if I normally have high blood pressure and I responded no. I was sent over to L&D to be monitored. I ended up being admitted with a blood pressure of 197/119. They told me to call my husband and tell him to come in. I was put on the magnesium drip and given the first steroid shot. Blood work and an ultrasound was done. My OB told me I had severe preeclampsia, my baby was measuring in the 3rd percentile, and my kidney function was declining. I was told delivery would probably have to be soon and that someone from the NICU would be in to talk to me.

The next day I received the second steroid shot just 12 hours later. My OB came in that morning and said she consulted with another doctor and that I would need to have a C-section soon, probably within the next few days. Later that morning around 10am my nurse came in to get me prepped for my C-section at noon. I was shocked and asked if she was sure and she confirmed I would deliver at noon meaning my daughter was just 30 weeks. The C-section went well and she gave a good cry, I got to hold her for a moment and she went to the NICU while I went to recovery. I spent another 4 days in the hospital getting my blood pressure under control with medication so I could be discharged. My daughter was 2lbs 7oz, 15.5 inches and ended up spending 51 days in the NICU.