
Brianna’s Story

May 29, 2024 By Brianna Cook

Brianna’s Story

I wasn’t diagnosed until I went to labor & delivery myself.
I was 35 weeks and started checking my blood pressure on my own.
I had all of the symptoms and was just told “It’ll probably get worse.”
When I decided to go to the hospital I was diagnosed with Severe PreEclampsia and was induced with no epidural due to my enzyme levels. By the time I had my emergency C-section I was diagnosed with HELLP syndrome & was put under complete anesthesia. My husband was not allowed in the room during my procedure. I was under morphine and magnesium.
My baby was flown via helicopter to a NICU 2.5 hours away and I remained in the hospital for a total of 5 days.
Although all is well now, I was robbed of all of my normal experiences of giving birth because my OBGYN office would not listen and downplayed all of my symptoms.