December 31, 2024 By Lauren Oshana
Pregnancy is often described as a journey of joy and anticipation, but for me, it was also a journey marked by unexpected challenges that ultimately shaped who I am today.
At 39 weeks pregnant, I went to my routine OB visit feeling excited to be nearing the end of my pregnancy. During the check-up, my blood pressure was borderline high—not alarming, but enough to warrant additional blood and urine tests. The results confirmed I had developed preeclampsia. I was immediately scheduled for an induction.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, the induction process went smoothly. Less than 24 hours later, I welcomed my beautiful daughter into the world. Her arrival was everything I’d hoped for—she was healthy, perfect, and instantly filled my life with love. My blood pressure returned to normal after delivery, and I was discharged home two days later with instructions to monitor my blood pressure regularly. However, I wasn’t prescribed any medications, as everything seemed under control.
Things took a turn for the worse just two days after I got home. As I checked my blood pressure throughout the day, I noticed it was consistently elevated. Trusting my instincts, I contacted my doctor, who advised me to go to the emergency room. At the ER, I was closely monitored, but my blood pressure continued to climb, prompting urgent treatment for postpartum preeclampsia. I was started on medications and given magnesium sulfate to prevent seizures—a precaution I never thought I’d need.
The next three days in the hospital were a blur of medications, tests, and sleepless nights. My husband and I juggled the chaos of my health crisis while caring for our newborn. It was overwhelming and emotionally draining, but we made it through. Once my blood pressure stabilized, I was discharged again—this time with blood pressure medications to take at home.
As the weeks passed, my body slowly recovered. My blood pressure normalized, and life with my baby girl began to feel less like survival mode and more like the beautiful new chapter I had imagined. Today, she’s almost a year and a half old, thriving and full of life, and I feel incredibly fortunate to be her mom.
My experience with preeclampsia and postpartum preeclampsia was a turning point in my life. It not only deepened my empathy for women navigating the complexities of pregnancy and postpartum health but also inspired me to dedicate my career as a dietitian to helping women manage their health through nutrition. I now work with women to support them in pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and beyond, with a special focus on reducing risk factors for conditions like preeclampsia.
As my husband and I begin to think about growing our family, I am hopeful that the knowledge and tools I’ve gained will help me reduce my risk of preeclampsia in the future. While my first experience was difficult, it taught me resilience, the importance of self-advocacy, and the power of proper care and support. And above all, it brought me the most precious gift of all—my daughter.
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